My dad has these workout things that you see on television: its called The Perfect Push-up. These handlebar looking devices are used to help you complete a push-up with proper technique, I suppose. (I've tried it and its not much easier than a normal push-up!) But I realized that these push-up things apply the concep to of torque.
Torque is a force that either causes or opposes rotation. Torque can be calculate by multiplying the lever arm, the distance from the axis to the point of the force, by the force exerted. In this case, a force causes rotation of the push-up devices which eases the tensions on your joints as you do a push-up. In this example, these handlebar things have a low moment of inertia. Moment of inertia is the measure of the resistance to the angular accleration. Moment of inertia equals the net torque divided by the angular acceleration. With the perfect push-up the moment of inertia is low because the net torque is low due to a small amount of force for them to rotate and a high angular acceleration because they rotate quickly. This low moment of inertia also contributes to the ease of the handlebars to make the push-up smooth and comfortable.